Archive for September 11th, 2012

Tire swing

Our swing.

The tire swing can say a lot about a home. As busy as that home may be with projects indoors and out, the swing recognizes that not all priorities are labor. Not all time is spent working. Because there is a time to be away from chores and duties. A time to free the mind and body from obligation. And maybe that’s why the tire swing can be so significant in identifying what’s important in a home. The swing’s presence is hardly intimidating, hanging gently from the tree when there is no breeze. Its use is hardly complicated, whether pushing or swinging. Smiles are many and the laughter is easy while putting the swing’s mathematical angles and scientific laws to work. Yet for as many angles and laws that are in effect, the use of the swing provides moments that are of no boundary or measure. No limits, no constraints. These are moments for the ages because it’s those smiles, that laughter and this pleasure — the results of that swing — that are the priorities. And for as much as a tire swing can say about a home, it’s the results of that swing that say so much more. (more…)

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